Italian Heritage Month Kickoff 2024

Italian Heritage Month 2024 kickoff
October 7, 2024
Cleveland City Hall Rotunda

The official opening of a month-long celebration of the Italian-American Community in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio was held on Monday October 7, 2024 in the Rotunda of Cleveland City Hall. The annual event has taken place every year since then-Councilman Matt Zone created it with the full support of then-Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson in 2006.

The evening began with Master of Ceremonies Dennis Castiglione welcoming the packed crowd.

Dennis Castiglione

Dennis Castiglione

He introduced Sister Dianne Piunno from St Ignatius of Antioch Church for the opening prayer.

Sister Dianne Piunno

Sister Dianne Piunno

Those who have been to many of these annual events have witnessed the talents of Giovanni Castiglione who "grew up" singing at these events. Gio was unable to attend but he sang the Italian anthem into his cell phone and his father played it at the event. It was amazing! Then the group Wild Pitch led the US national anthem.

Wild Pitch leads the National Anthem

Wild Pitch leads the National Anthem

Welcoming remarks were given by event Honorary Co-Chairs Cleveland Council President Blaine A. Griffin and Councilman Michael D. Polensek.

Council President Blaine A. Griffin

Council President Blaine A. Griffin

Councilman Michael D. Polensek

Councilman Michael D. Polensek

Event Chair Pamela Dorazio Dean introduced her committee members and thanked the sponsors.

Pamela Dorazio Dean

Pamela Dorazio Dean

Pamela Dorazio Dean

Basil Russo, National President, Order Italian Sons & Daughters of America (ISDA), gave his keynote remarks and told about recent successful efforts and reminded the attendees of the reason behind and importance of Columbus Day. He also announced that for the first time in history a non-Italian would be the Grand Marshal of the Columbus Day parade - Council President Blaine Griffin.

Basil Russo

Basil Russo

Watch a video of the welcome and the speeches.

Pamela Dorazio Dean then introduced and presented the awards to the 4 honorees:

  • O.A. Bertin Company (Moreal Family) for Arts

  • American Limousine Service (Mazzarrella Family) for Business

  • Raymond Guarino for Individual

  • State Senator Jerry C. Cirino for Public Servant.

After the award, MC Dennis Castiglione gave a few more remarks and Sister Piunno led the closing prayer.

Dennis Castiglione

Dennis Castiglione

A delicious buffet dinner catered by Nido Italia was provide by the ISDA.

Enjoy these other images from the Italian Heritage Month 2024 kickoff.

O.A. Bertin Company (Moreal Family Award

O.A. Bertin Company (Moreal Family) Award

O.A. Bertin Company (Moreal Family Award

O.A. Bertin Company (Moreal Family Award

American Limousine Service (Mazzarrella Family) Award

American Limousine Service (Mazzarrella Family) Award
Bob Mazzarrella and Pam Dorazio Dean

American Limousine Service (Bob Mazzarrella Family) Award

Basil Russo, Bob Mazzarrella and Matt Zone

Basil Russo, Bob Mazzarrella and Matt Zone

Blaine Griffin, Mike Polensel, Basil Russo, Bob Mazzarrella, Pam Dorazio Dean and Matt Zone

Blaine Griffin, Mike Polensek, Bob Mazzarrella,
Pam Dorazio Dean and Matt Zone

Raymond Guarino and Pam Dorazio Dean

Raymond Guarino and Pam Dorazio Dean

Raymond Guarino

Raymond Guarino

Raymond Guarino and Basil Russo

Raymond Guarino and Basil Russo

Raymond Guarino and board members

Raymond Guarino and board members

State Senator Al Cutrona and Pam Dorazio Dean

State Senator Al Cutrona and Pam Dorazio Dean

State Senator Al Cutrona accepting the award for Senator Jerry Cirino

State Senator Al Cutrona accepting the award
for State Senator Jerry C. Cirino

Al and his son Robert Lippucci

Al and his son Robert Lippucci

3 of the 4 Wild Pitch singers

3 of the 4 Wild Pitch singers

Basil Russo, Elaine Corello,  Pat Russo and Matt Zone

Basil Russo, Elaine Corello, Pat Russo and Matt Zone

City Hall Rotunda with Italian flag

Lippucci table

Lippucci table

City Hall Rotunda crowd

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