The Pan-American Masters Games are a multisport event for Masters Athletes over the age of 35. The 2024 Pan-American Masters Games were held in Cleveland Ohio USA and featured athletes from 6 continents, 48 states and more than 70 countries. Participants competed in 24 medal-contending sports. Athletes came from Lithuania to compete. Here is a report from the community.
"Congratulations to the Lithuanian participants at the Pan American Master Games this week in Cleveland. The rowing team won first place and were decorated with medals. Their team also had two Latvian athletes. The shot put ladies won bronze and gold medals. So proud of our country athletes. VALIO. Yesterday they paid a visit to the Lithuanian Cultural Gardens , St Casimir Parish and the mausoleum at All Souls Cemetery were our first President of Lithuania, Antanas Smetona is buried.
A gathering at the Lithuanian Club was a tasty dinner prepared by Edita. The evening host was Ruta Degutis the director of the Lithuanian Club and sponsors Lithuanian Community Cleveland Chapter and Sports Club 'Zaibas." Congratulatory words were shared by the Lithuanian Consul.
It was great to cohost a dinner for the athletes from Lithuania and Latvia that won gold in the Pan American Masters Games 2024. Zalgiris won the rowing competition held on Sunday and the women shot putter mother and daughter team won their class at the games on Monday. So great to meet them and spend some time with them."
Veronica & Peter Taraska carrying the Flag of Lithuania at the Welcoming Celebration

Lithuanian community members and Pan Am Masters Athletes

See more from the 2024 Pan-American Masters Games
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