The Cleveland American Middle Eastern Organization (CAMEO) has been in existence for 54 years. C.A.M.E.O. is designed to articulate the political interest of more than 275,000 Northeastern Ohio residents of Middle Eastern Heritage, Arab Americans. C.A.M.E.O. has one central purpose, to appraise candidates running for Public Office, that will offer political support to those who are best prepared to respond to our concerns. C.A.M.E.O. accepts the diversity of religious and political philosophies and beliefs of its membership. C.A.M.E.O. membership means a commitment to local political action that will enhance the voting strength and amplify the profile of the Arab American community in Northeastern Ohio. 
At their annual picnic on Sunday July 14, 2024 there was food, music, camaraderie balloons and face painting for the kids and more. CAMEO president Pierre Bejjani introduced dozens of politicians running for office and/or there to show support for the Arab American community.
Here are a few images from the CAMEO picnic.
Nemir Soueidi and Tony Abdulkarim working the grill
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