Polish Constitution Day Festival Parma Ohio May 1, 2022
The Polish Constitution of May 3, 1791 was the first constitution to follow the 1788 ratification of the United States Constitution. May 3 was restored as an official Polish holiday in April 1990, after the fall of communism. It is celebrated in Cleveland with events including a ceremony at the Polish American Cultural Center in Cleveland's historic Slavic Village neighborhood and this parade down Ridge Road in Parma.
The Polish American Congress - Ohio Division, in collaboration with Polish Village Parma, hosted Polish Constitution Day to commemorate the signing of Europe's first democratic constitution. before and after the Parade there was a celebration of Polish culture featuring music, food and camaraderie.
After the Parade people gathered for a short program. Rev. Eric Orzech, Pastor of St Casimir and St Stanislaus Churches gave an invocation.
Rev. Eric Orzech
Then Walter Borkowski led the Polish and US national anthems.
Walter Borkowski
Dr. Mitchell Bienia spoke next.
Dr. Mitch Bienia
He was followed by Grand Marshal Brandon Chrostowski from Edwin's.
Brandon Chrostowski
Next was Parma Mayor Tim DeGeeter.
Parma Mayor Tim DeGeeter
The United Ukrainian Vocal Ensemble spoke and then sang Sto lat.
United Ukrainian Vocal Ensemble
Wally Borkowskii concluded the program with God Bless America.
Here is a video of highlights from the 2022 Polish Constitution Day Festival in Parma. Click on the white arrow in the center to watch.
Enjoy these pictures from the Festival.
Polish Genealogical Society
Facts about Poland
Grand Marshal Brandon Chrostowski and son
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Music was provided by Jody Maddie's UpTown Sound.
Jody Maddie's UpTown Sound
Walter Borkowski sang with the band on the Good Day (Dzien Dobry) Polka. Watch the video below.