Cleveland Kurentovanje 6417 St Clair Ave. Cleveland February 10, 2024
The annual Cleveland version of the most popular carnival in Slovenia - Kurentovanje - was a week long event featuring cooking demos, language instruction, a dance party, fun run and more. But the highlight was the annual Cleveland Kurentovanje Parade followed by the festival celebration.
Before, during and after the Parade attendees gathered in the neighborhood centered around Slovenian National Home for food, music, fun and resources.
For example, they could visit the new exhibit at the Slovenian Museum and Archives which offers artifacts and memorabilia about Slovenian people and heritage.
Dr. Luka Zibelnik runs the Center for Slovenian Studies at Cleveland State University and he showed off the new visiting exhibit which is from the Museum of Sports in Slovenia. It includes artifacts, jerseys, equipment and so on from various Slovenian sports teams and stars such as basketball, hockey, football (soccer), boxing, swimming, gymnastics and more.
Luka says "Slovenians do all sports and all sports well. Watch the short video.
Visitors also went to the Slovenian Research center to learn about their roots and history.
Each year a Royal Court is crowned.
Princesses and Prince of Cleveland Kurentovanje 2024
2024 Queen Ann Gabrosek
We were able to speak with the 2024 Queen before the Parade.
Just before the Parade stepped off, some musicians jammed on a float with two princesses and a prince of Kurentovanje as well as Cleveland Councilman Mike Polensek, Slovenian leader Ray Marvar and others.
Of course a highlight was watching the people in their costumes and posing for pictures with the Kurenti!
Kurenti, Kenny and Pam Yuko and Consul General Alenka Jerak
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