The official dates for the Vietnam War are Nov. 1, 1955, to April 30, 1975. It totaled almost 20 years and was the longest war in the history of the United States.
Every year for the past 34 years, the Vietnam Veterans of America Greater Cleveland Chapter #15, the Vietnam Veterans of America West Shore Chapter # 249, South Vietnam Veterans, and the Vietnamese Community have recognized April 30TH with a memorial ceremony marking the end of the war and to honor those who didn't come home.
The names of the 424 veterans from Cuyahoga County who gave their lives in Vietnam were read and roses were placed in their memory, including one North Royalton veteran who gave the ultimate sacrifice. To insure no one was forgotten a rose was also placed at each individual memorial placard to recognize the sacrifice made by all the era veterans who are listed on the Marshall Fredricks memorial fountain located on Mall A in downtown Cleveland, Ohio.
The keynote speaker was Laddie Hula of North Royalton, Ohio a distinguished Vietnam Veteran who served with the U.S. 1ST Cavalry Division in Vietnam.
Here are some of Vietnam Veteran Joseph Meissner's comments. Vietnam Veteran Joe Meissner speaking
"Last Sunday, April 30 marked 47 years since the Fall of Saigon. In one way the war ended on that date. In another way, it did not. Many continued to fight the Communists including the Hoa Hao, the Cao Dai, and various Montegnard groups in the highlands."
"In Cleveland on April 30, we held a US military Forces remembrance. This was especially for the more than 400 Greater Clevelanders who perished fighting for freedom in Viet Nam. Sean Ennis was the head chair for the event. Various people including ARVN veterans gave short talks about the war and why we should remember all who fought. A musician played his bagpipes and we all bowed in prayer both before and after the event. I was asked to speak and told "Keep it brief, Mr. Attorney."V
"Of course I am always brief, After all, President Lincoln remembered all at Gettysburg in two minutes and 52 seconds. I made three points.
1) My background since 1953 and 1954 when I first became aware of Viet Nam including the titanic battle waged by the French and the brave VNA Vietnamese army and government against stubborn General Giap and the Viet Minh. 2) I then addressed the work of the Friendship Foundation of American Vietnamese founded by Director Gia Hoa Ryan in 1993 with the help of US veterans and Vietnamese veterans. I saluted their recent achievement of completing their Tenth Education School Construction Project near Dien Bien Phu. This will serve over 500 Vietnamese students and staff. I also mentioned that many of these schools have veteran photos and inscription on the outside walls of the completed projects. (American and Vietnamese) 3) Finally, I discussed the Vietnamese Cultural Garden one of forty marking 40 nations, all erected along Dr. Martin Luther King Boulevard. These three miles of gardens are unique in the world and every year some 35,000 people come to celebrate all these nations which are dedicated to peace and friendship on One World Day which is held the last Sunday every August. "The Vietnamese garden," says Director Ryan, also recalls our American Veterans who did so much for us Vietnamese."
Then a loud "Cam On Nhieu lam" from me and my short talk was concluded and the people clapped.
That was from eleven clock until 2:00. Then The Vietnamese community including the ARVN veterans celebrated their remembrance at their Headquarters at 4:00 of all who had given their lives in Vietnam including some fifty who self-sacrificed because they could not tolerate living under communism. Their photos hang on the walls of the Cleveland Vietnam Headquarters.
A number of people gave short talks both in English and Vietnamese. I was called upon to talk and I gave my well know speech about who won the War. Sadly for the Communists who did fight so bravely, they did not win. Doi Moi or the New Policy in 1985 and l986 was proof enough that Communists did not win. People do not want communism and they showed in that in various forms of resistance after 1975.
The Vietnam event closed with a huge feast of favorite Vietnamese dishes including Spring Rolls, fried chicken Vietnamese style, white rice, vegetables, and other dishes including Che--famous Vietnamese deserts. We concluded in the evening with prayer and remembrances. ***
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