Cleveland Cyber Wall of Non-Violence

The Dream of making Cleveland a city of Peace &
Nonviolence is possible
but You must be the change you want to see in Cleveland!
To learn more or if you are willing to commit to work on yourself to become the change you want to see in our city and our world, please sign the Cyber Wall of Peace and Nonviolence
Sample Comments from signers of the Non-Violence Pledge Wall
- We sow an act, we reap a habit. We sow a habit, we reap a character.
We sow a character, we reap a destiny. CLEVELAND, THE CITY OF PEACE & NON-VIOLENCE.
Paramjit Singh
- It will bring back the glory, better life and prosperity to our city, Cleveland.
Satish Parikh
- Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon:
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope
where there is darkness, light
where there is sadness, joy
From the Prayer of St Francis of Assisi
Dan Hanson
- It is another great 1st step in the efforts towards peace in Cleveland.
Keith Jackson
- Living in a civilized society demands adapting peace as the way of life.
Asim Datta
- This is indeed a much needed pledge in this world today. I am glad that we are doing this in Cleveland. Mahatma Gandhi energized a whole country and ended the British rule with non violence. Indeed his life is his message. Fire can be returned with Fire but how do you respond to non violence and this is what Gandhi showed the world what the power of non violence is.
Shanti Raghavan
- This quote, attributed to both Ghandi & A.J.Muste, summarizes what, in my thoughts, our goal should be:
There is no way to peace, Peace is the way.
which means that we all need to live and be the way of peace. This pledge is another step if the journey that is "the way."
Gene Kotrba
- The symbol of Non Violence, Mr.Gandhi will give a great boost to Peace and Tranquility for Cleveland
- Peace respects all life and serves as the steward for humanity.
Yasmine Noel Suliman
- The United Nations dedicated in 1981, September 21st as the International Day of Peace. Now is up to us to bring this noble idea to our neighborhoods and our city. Let's make Cleveland the City of Peace and Nonviolence.
August B Pust
- In a world defined as much by war and its many casualties I can think of nothing more urgent than a call for peace. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. has long been my inspiration in this area, especially given his unrelenting support for non-violence and his equally unrelenting opposition to war. Let us stand up and speak out for a peaceful city where gun violence is brought to an end, where gang activity no longer haunts our streets or invades our homes, and where the violence bred from poverty and ignorance is replaced by the peace that comes with opportunity and hope for all people.
The Rev. Marvin A. McMickle, Ph.D.
- Our core belief is that non-violence can, and always will, win people of any color, creed, sex, religion and race.
Sunil and Kabita Dutta
- Thank you. This is a wonderful and long needed initiative.
Women Speak Out for Peace and Justice, Cleveland
- May the commitment of many, one by one, bring peace to our city and our world.
Sr. Kathy Thomas, csj
- Let all people be happy - Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu (old Sanskrit saying).
All beings on the Earth is one family - Vasudaivah Kutumbakam (a well known Hindu tenet that Gandhi followed).
Sree Sreenath
- The statue of Mahatma Gandhi strides forth in the Cleveland Cultural Gardens and the mission of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens is "Peace Through Mutual Understanding". Mutual understanding is not an easy mission to achieve but it is a whole lot better than submitting to misconception, distrust and violence. Let our children live, through peaceful resolution.
Mary Hamlin
- Gandhiji said: "Whenever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love" This should be our pledge of non-violence
Mahesh Khosla
- "Victory attained by violence is tentamount to a defeat, for it is momentary" Let us pledge to follow the path of non-violence laid by GandhiJi
Santosh Khosla
- I will do the least harm.
Melissa Clark
- A pledge of respect and non-violence, rooted in Cleveland's diverse Cultural Gardens, makes perfect sense. Thank you.
Kevin Cronin
- It is a win-win-win situation to be part of non-violence. It makes you healthy, happy and likeable.
Shravan Kotha
- I solemnly pledge to be a building block in the construction of Cleveland the City of Peace and Non-Violence.
Carl Motley
- Every drop in the ocean counts, the smallest commitment to peace will go a long way. Thanks for the opportunity to join the cause of world peace.
Natalie R Leek
- Lets make Cleveland peaceful, lovable and thus most livable city in the United States.
Sudarshan R. Sathe
- "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other." - Mother Teresa
Kenneth J. Kovach
- Long time coming. Pass the word.
Chittaranjan Jain
- We need to understand and respect the value and dignity of human life. This is our community; hence it is also our responsibility to keep it safe.
I pledge to do my best to make a difference.
Mona Alag
- Having been lucky to have met and touched the feet of Mahatma Gandhi in reverence, I feel privileged to sign the Non-Violence Pledge. Peace and non-violence mean progress of the world.
Om Julka
- “An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” Mahatma Gandhi
Michael Sreshta
- Welcome those who are strangers to you.
Don Bryant
- Let us continue to work together for a city, region, society and world where there is more peace with justice, dignity, compassion and love for all.
Len Calabrese
- The legacy of the modern American Civil Rights Movement is manifested in your Cleveland Non-Violence Pledge. And, rightfully so. It was Mahatma Gandhi's commitment to non-violence that influenced the movement in the U.S. that inspired Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Thank you for your commitment in Cleveland to the values of peace and non-violence.
Lecia J. Brooks, Montgomery, Alabama
- This is a great idea
Gopal Saha
- Even thinking of non-violence will delay the process if thinking of violence
Batuk Modi
- “Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth;
Lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust;
Lead me from hate to love, from war to peace;
Let peace fill our heart, our world, our universe”-Satish Kumar
Sumita Kedia
- The world should learn from India and its great leader Mahathma Gandhi
- I am inspired by this request to sign the Non-Violence Pledge.
Srinivasan Sivashankaran
- We fully support this
Pravin K Shah and Aruna P Shah
- I am for Peace.
Edward Dolinar
- I live with Paramjit in his house and have for over 10 years of terrific, non-judgemental, peaceful caretaking. I also might truly say how distinct this pledge sounds and that we all will be able to undertake it. Ghandi and King really had it right. Violence just begets more of the same! I shall not use violence as well as urge everyone else to do the same!
Eric Olson
- A real Awesome Idea!
Jayanthi & Ramanath Ramakrishnan
- I thank Paramjit Singh for sharing this wonderful Cyber Wall with me and my family. I pledge and commit myself to treat others with dignity and respect. I also pledge to foward this Cyber Wall with others in my community. Gracias!
Maria Rodriguez - This is wonderful goal for the people of Cleveland.
Evelyn Rivera-Mosquera - Pledging to work in my daily life for justice, equality, human rights and righting wrongs using nonviolence methodology.
Sharon Shumaker - My commitment to peace and justice is for all mankind, it does not stop at an imaginary line drawn out on the earth or in my mind. Peace and Justice is a human right that consists of the abstinence of war and atrocities not only internationally and nationally, but also in our own homes. A beautiful Mayan women once said: “I think that nonviolence is one way of saying that there are other ways to solve problems, not only through weapons and war. Nonviolence also means the recognition that the person on one side of the trench and the person on the other side of the trench are both human beings, with the same faculties. At some point they have to begin to understand one another.” Rigoberta Menchú Tum
Allison Arsouzy - Best Wishes
K. Mehta - I leave peace prints!
A. Shah
- Love for all of creation is the only path to peace!
Indira Palekar PhD
- You must be the change you want to see in others.
Harsha Desai
- Violence is not the answer! Suicide rates are at an all time high due to the increase of bullying in th schools and school related functions!
Angela Scibilia
- Victim of many bullies as a child but as an adult I do not allow it!! I am stronger now and surrounded by people that care and love me and all the rest can go to the left.
Bobbie Zahorodnij
- Violence is fear and fear is darkness. Choose the light, for only light helps things grow, shows you where to go and illuminates the dark spots so, you will not be afraid.
Marko Kostantantino Fikaris - Cleveland needs it!
Doug Henderson - Be the Change!
Bekey Hewit
- This is a wonderful project! May we all enjoy the success that spreading this idea will bring.
Linda Tobin - Nonviolence is the only way we can live together, and it is the most satisfying and fulfilling way to exist.
Zach - All we are saying, is give Peace a chance!
Grace Banda
- Cleveland is the city where I was born and Oakland is where I live now. Both of these are cities of my heart. I wish them peace.
Robert Shurtleff
- I will be the change I wish to see in the world.
Christine Williams
- Know that there is only The One. Hurting others is hurting your self. Loving others is loving your self. Be peace and compassion.
Kamal-Neil Singh Dass - all we are saying is give Peace a chance..."
Grace Banda
- Be the change you wish to see in the world (Gandhi)
Bonnie Goldner
- Let us stand together, in support of peace & non-violence, & in opposition of all that destroys peace. Especially at this time of year, when we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, let us all hear the call to reconciliation, forgiveness, & acceptance.
Susan S. Lanphear -
Cleveland -- and the world -- need idealists like you who work toward an ideal even when the way looks so long. I support this project with enthusiasm.
Dr. Bud Stern - I will work to be a more peaceful person in my daily life.
Susan Carey
- A great idea for the electronic age for a greater cause
Narayan and Sheela Dravid
- As John Lennon said: Give peace a chance!
Marci Curtis - Peace is the Only way for Me. Count me in
Craig Michael Siplin
- God Bless the peaceful and may God put peace in those who need Him.
Hamed Hamad
- This pledge conveys the character and values shared by our highly diverse community. "Love is not necessarily 'because of', love is challenged to be 'in spite of.'" - Reverend Cecil Murray
Sujata R. Emani -
How about a Cleveland pilgrimage to all the four major religions' houses of worship? Walk in couples, whistle blows every 15 minutes and the one on the left advances. On the way back, the one on the right advances, just so everyone gets a chance to advance, the one who advances begins the 15 minute segment of conversation. Walk in different Cleveland neighborhoods, in different seasons, pack your lunch! Sounds like fun!
Ruth Finley
- I support and applaud such an initiative. Proud of it being in Cleveland. Congratulations to Mr. Paramjit Singh.
Ravichandran Velu
- I am glad to see my hometown taking a stand for peace.
Laura Rushton - We should act on this pledge which is more important than signing it.
Om Julka - Non violence and care and concern for the fellow human being is the universal academia, culture, religion, etc., etc. Ahinsa.
Shardul Vibhakar
- By making our individual lives more peace filled and non-violent, we are influencing untold numbers of individuals all around us to do the same. This is the way to spread the message of peace and non-violence, and I feel privileged to be able to add my name to the list of those who want a peace filled, non-violent community and world.
William E. Seifert-Kessell - Put Cleveland on the map for THIS! Don't worry about The Tribe, The Browns, or LeBron.
Khalil Abdur Rashid - Our oppression of others doesn't prove our rightousness or holiness, it only proves our sinfulness
Celia Wilson
- As a Clevelander originally, I am proud to execute this pledge and wish The City of Cleveland, Ohio becomes the peace city of the World.
Ajeet Singh Sood
- My prayer is for peace among ourselves and throughout our world and universe. My pledge is to make peace with myself and others wherever I am. Non violence is a proven means of eventually making peace, following the examples of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mahatma Ghandi. So I celebrate and support this project which is unique to Cleveland.
Joyce A. Johns
- My class and I are supporting non-violence today!
Ruth Heide - I Love Peace
Rhiannon Rodgers - Peace is the only way we can live together.
Blake Himes
- I always dreamed of one day peace would take over well know we are one step closer. I support the non violence pledge.
Rosalyn Rodgers
- Oh, what I would give to be a blind man and truly be able to see people for what they really are!
Quinton Hamilton "Q" - Lets all work together to created a level playing field so all can prosper and put food on their table.
Marc Canter - I am honored to join with others to make Cleveland a place of peace.
Patricia J. Britt - Peace is in each of our hands. The Cleveland Pledge is a priceless improvement that we can all make.
City Council Member Jay Westbrook - Give Peace a Chance
Tony Brancatelli - Peace to All
L. O. P. Laffitte - I'm really pleased by efforts made my Ohio citizens to make this world a better place. I have great respect for both Mahatma Gandhi & Martin Luther King Jr.
Jason Volz - "Commit to being truthful and loving" Everything else falls in place.
Jared T Mayer -
I am honored to be among those signing this pledge for peace and non-violence and to know that Cleveland, Ohio is now one of the cities at the forefront of this important movement. Let us hope that we will be an example of those cities who follow, until every city in this country, and in turn the world, pledges to live in peace and non-violence!
Anne Christine Fleckenstein - Peace results from justice lived out. May we all work toward that hope and vision. Amen!
Sheila Marie Tobbe
- I live in the highest crime neighborhood, thanks for caring about making our city a "Peaceful" City....
Brenda Brown - 15 yrs old - I am proud to add my name to the thousands who Stand for peace and non-violence in our world.
Fred Isaaacs
- I like the Cleveland area and the peace that's being built up with the help of MLK blvd
Jeremy Koosed - Thanks for bringing this to light!
Dae Evans - Peace and Love
Peter Frank Womack
- To have a world of peace where all are treated as unique individuals with respect and love has been my dream for years.
I will try every day to never judge, be honest, helpful, & kind to my fellow man. God Bless us all!
Cynthia L. Phillips
- Let us all work for world peace.
Prabar Ghosh
- Lets make the world more livable by spreading Non-Violence.
Swapan Das
- Love all
Adam E Zandarski
- Om Shanti
Markeeta Davis
- Imagine.....Then make it real.
Elaine and Don Ziol
- There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.
Greg Coleridge
- I hope to treat people not only how I want to be treated, but to consider how they want to be treated.
Jessica Daigler
- I had the honor to listen to Paramjit's thoughts on diversity, equality, and religion and was inspired to pledge. Thank you.
Elisa Khawam, Westlake High School
- make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon: where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy
Michelle Therese Eatman
- I promise to make nothing but positive & peaceful communions between myself & the rest of the 73rd Peace City in the world.
Bill Modic
- Practicing Peace, Patience, Tolerance and Forgiveness. The ingredients for a peaceful world which inhabits ALL HUMAN AND ANIMALKIND for the change we want to see in the world as our daily efforts to assure that the world will become a better place.
Lillie Siplin
- Such movement if nothing else will keep the world from getting if bad to worse or if good then keep it that way.
Batuk Modi
- It is wonderful to have such an effort Cleveland.
Jyoti Chakraverty
- Peace begins with me.
Linda Whitman
- Mahatma Gandhi's famous quotes: "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" and "There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no causes that I am prepared to kill for." Let us follow his philosophy and make Cleveland a City of Peace.
Atheetha Sowmya Venkatesh - Very often many of us forget that in the long run violence begets more violence. If we sincerely want to end the cycle of violence for our children and grandchildren then we must overwhelm every effort of violence with peace - as passionately as some people respond with their animalistic violence. This, however, demands as much, if not more, courage, moral strength, and perseverance.
Dr. R. Ray Gehani
- Great message. Great city!
Andy Carcioppolo
- With Violence you can only suppress someone for a limited period, But with non-violence you can win that person for ever.
Mukhtiar Singh Kataria - My hometown is Cleveland and I travel back home fairly regularly. I am very proud of how far Cleveland has progressed in my lifetime. May peaceful efforts always prevail.
Joe Jessen
- I pledge to practice, advocate and teach kindness, non-violence and tolerance.
Heli Vires-Collins
- We are all Created in the Divine Image (Genesis, Chapter 1)
Rabbi Shawn Zevit
- Peace is not only the goal, it is the means to achieve the
goal. Anything achieved through violence is transitory and
will not endure.
Mark Allen Bailey
- Let us try to understand what pains others. Then we can build enduring peace.
Surinder M Bhardwaj
- Peace can only be attained when love for another out weighs the prejudices harbored in the recesses of human heart.
Arooj Ashraf
- Paramjit - this is a wonderful initiative and we are proud of you and hope each person contributes in their own way to help make Cleveland the City of Peace & Non-Violence.
Radhika Reddy
- As a leader of both the NE Ohio Chapter of and of Lyndhurst Presbyterian(.org) peace and justice, I fully support non-violence in NE Ohio and throughout the world.
Steve Ritchey
- Great idea and a great statue.
John Ryan
- May we all spend 5 minutes a day and find out how we can promote Peace in our day to day lives and support all activities meant to eliminate the instruments of violence!!!
George C. Burke
- As chairman and on behalf of the Hispanic Roundtable, we enthusiastically take the pledge of peace and nonviolence. We are honored to be associated with two of the greatest human beings whoever lived: Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King. Most importantly, we want to be associated with the universal and eternal value of peace and dignity for all human beings, who are all created in God's image.
José C Feliciano
- A much needed effort.
Roger F. Thoma
- Peace is intelligent, as is Cleveland. The eternal quest...
Steven E. Boyd
- Daniel L Begin is pledged to a life of non violence and a commitment to work for a world where peace can thrive. I believe that the only weapon I can use is the love I have for humanity and the service I give to humanity. I also believe that I can not run from violence but stand firm for peace regardless of the consequences. I also will never own or use a weapon and never use my mouth, hands or position as a weapon. Love conquers all.
- I would love to see this city become what it can be.. The greatest city in the world!
Shirley Phifer - This is possible if we work together to end violence in our city.
Fern Levy - Aways for peace
Aklilu Demesie - I totally stand with Mahatma's ideology
Tanu Parmar - We want Cleveland to be the #1 peace city, where we can all live in harmony
Neeta Chandra
- To argue is a human trait. To argue without violence is a civilized way to state your opinion.
Dileep Chandra -
Only those that have the courage of conviction can practice non-violence. Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. proved it with their supreme sacrifice.
Surinder M Bhardwaj - Congratulations on getting this Cyber wall Up and getting supporters of non violence and and peace and truth. It would be a wonderful world if there was no hate and prejudice and violence.
Shaila and Hurikadale Sundaresh
- It is good to remember always who was the best known lawyer in the last century. No American Law Student can answer that question. But every Indian Law Student automatically knows the answer. Yes, Mahatma Gandhi, Barrister and wealthy retiree. Gandhi was a lawyer for 2 years in India, then over 20 years in South Africa where he fought for civil rights and against apartheid. I was always glad for him that after such a distinguished law career he was then able to retire in peace, comfort, and happiness to India where he passed his declining years in luxury and quiet prayer.
Joseph Meissner, Attorney - Having had the honor of personally touching the feet of Mahatma Gandhi in 1939 and also attending some of his prayer meetings in subsequent years, I feel it proud privilege to sign this Non-Violence Pledge.
Om Julka
- Great initiative. I fully support non-violence to accomplish the change we seek.
Aklilu Demesie
- Peace in these troubled times is critical to the survival of Human species. Climate Change, Religious bigotry, Push to demonize immigrant and the increasing gap between the rich and poor contribute the uncertainty. By taking the Pledge for Peace I hope to reduce some of the uncertainty and put in practice what I believe.
Pradip Kamat
- Work in my daily life for justice, equality, human rights and righting wrongs using nonviolence methodology…the ideals for which Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave their lives.
Murat - Non-violent community is our motto
Kamal Pradhn
- We have tried War to no avail, give Peace a chance.
James Geisey
- I am an English professor, and I try to teach the philosophy of Ghandhi and King, of non-violence, in my classes every semester.
Neeta M Chandra
- G-d bless the world and have a blessed life
Carol Mary
- As the organizer for the Hungarians in Indianapolis, all we have to do is keep spreading the true words and engaging in worthwhile activities, showing the good example ourselves. These rules are for our survival, as the conduct and actions of others also affects our own survival. Truly wishing the BEST,
Nora Body
- My Life is my message …Gandhi.
Richard Philip Eastburn
- I pledge to work for peace through my work, my play, my family, and my community activities. I practice a Korean martial art whose pledge is:
1. As a member of the Kuk Sool Won, I pledge to obey the rules of the association and to conduct myself in accordance with the true spirit of martial arts.
2. I pledge to be loyal to my country and to promote the development of a better society.
3. I pledge to work together with all classes of people without regard to politics, race or religion.
4. I pledge to promote international goodwill and strive for world peace through the practice of martial arts.
Gordon Landefeld
- As a Catholic Christian, I have come to discover the Nonviolence of Jesus that is at the heart of the Gospel and I have committed my life to a missionary vocation to practice and share this peacemaking virtue with others.
Augie Pacetti - Make Cleveland great. We can do it and could say I am from Cleveland.
Inderjit S Soni
- The city living harmony and trying to live on principal of 2 great souls who believed in non violence. We blessed the soul if one is on the same street same starter where other soul is. It a unique location where non violence is resting.
Batuk Modi - We are one.
Janet Loehr
- May we all exist in the love we desire for one another and ourselves! Pax!
Eduardo Romero
- I am proud to be a part of the greater CLE community of non-violent advocates. I strive to live my life accordingly.
M. A. Huefner